Welcome to the Most Subscribed English Twitch Channels Leaderboard, May 2024!

Here, you can find a comprehensive list of the top Twitch channels, ranked by their number of subscribers. This leaderboard is updated daily, so you can stay up-to-date on the latest rankings in the world of Twitch streaming.

All numbers reflected on this page are approximations, but should be useful for comparisons across streams or over time. These numbers are based on Monthly Active Subscribers (MAS), which will capture any subscription event that occurs while the subscriber is watching a stream. These values are for the trailing 30-day period ending today.

Data last updated 22 hours ago

Channel Monthly Active Subs Earnings New Subs Gifts Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Prime Gift Upgrades Prime Upgrades
65,379 $163,566 24,054 7,559 38,170 86 23 27,100 23 106
50,460 $126,133 9,638 10,446 36,623 34 15 13,788 19 28
44,339 $111,356 12,533 16,015 29,542 92 50 14,655 42 60
40,962 $105,100 798 36,716 38,625 392 192 1,753 69 24
24,564 $61,655 2,556 7,930 15,005 35 28 9,496 22 33
22,927 $59,675 594 21,653 21,947 137 213 630 44 11
17,302 $43,456 7,341 1,487 5,314 19 24 11,945 12 20
17,202 $43,556 9,153 4,257 6,121 23 58 11,000 7 16
15,875 $41,401 4,880 6,148 10,264 89 157 5,365 99 67
15,417 $38,678 283 12,340 13,945 17 17 1,438 12 4
15,375 $38,436 153 12,756 14,686 10 5 674 9 4
14,505 $36,782 227 6,470 10,914 45 48 3,498 13 18
14,242 $35,884 1,474 10,290 11,394 12 32 2,804 19 19
14,022 $35,245 316 272 5,059 16 22 8,925 1 12
14,015 $35,167 1,273 10,191 12,026 28 13 1,948 8 5