
Remember when Hikari used to stream daily? pepperidge farm remembers...(♫No Mic! only moosic ♫)

Performance this month

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7 day viewership

Created with Highcharts 6.1.1viewersHonkai Impact 3rd12:00Mar 2012:00Mar 2112:00Mar 2212:00Mar 2312:00Mar 2412:00Mar 2512:00Mar 26010203040

hikaril0v3 streamed for 5 hours in the last 7 days, averaging 22 viewers and hitting a peak of 29 viewers

90 Day Growth


Stream schedule

Show more: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday

Created with Highcharts 6.1.1Midnight6 AMNoon6 PM11 PMMonWedsFri

Stream History

See more stream logs
Created with Highcharts 6.1.1hoursGames + DemosMabinogiHonkai Impact 3rdGenshin ImpactPunishing: Gray RavenHeaven Burns RedGIRLS' FRONTLINE 2: EXILIUMHonkai: Star RailSnowbreak: Containment ZoneZenless Zone ZeroWuthering WavesInfinity NikkiWeek of Dec 30Week of Jan 6Week of Jan 13Week of Jan 20Week of Jan 27Week of Feb 3Week of Feb 10Week of Feb 17Week of Feb 24Week of Mar 3Week of Mar 10Week of Mar 17Week of Mar…Week of Mar 240510
  • Remember when Hikari used to stream daily? pepperidge farm remembers...(♫No Mic! only moosic ♫)
    - streamed for 5 hours
    avg viewers
    peak viewers
  • Remember when Hikari used to stream daily? pepperidge farm remembers...(♫No Mic! only moosic ♫)
    - streamed for 43 minutes
    avg viewers
    peak viewers
  • Chapter 2 here we goooooo! (♫No Mic! only moosic ♫)
    - streamed for 4 hours
    avg viewers
    peak viewers


What are hikaril0v3's Viewership Stats?

In the last 30 days, hikaril0v3 streamed for 64 hours, generating 1,059 hours watched, averaging 16 viewers and hitting a peak of 42 viewers.

How many followers does hikaril0v3 have?

hikaril0v3 has 4,194 followers on Twitch.

What does hikaril0v3 stream on Twitch?

hikaril0v3 usually streams Honkai Impact 3rd on Twitch.

When did hikaril0v3 start streaming on Twitch?

hikaril0v3 started streaming on Twitch on .

What rank is hikaril0v3 on Twitch in the last 30 days?
  • hikaril0v3 is ranked #7 for Honkai Impact 3rd on Twitch.
  • hikaril0v3 is ranked #5 for English Honkai Impact 3rd channels on Twitch.

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Rankings of Last 30 Days

#7 most watched Honkai Impact 3rd channel
#5 most watched English Honkai Impact 3rd channel

Channel details

First seen
Last seen
Hello to anyone reading this... you are awesum! :D. My name is Hikari but most friends call me Hoshi, I started streaming only recently as an art stream and decided to try streaming Mihoyo games for fun and cause I like meeting and helping awesome people like you! :D. I hope you enjoy the content!
This channel has no emotes.
Streams with more than 10 viewers are recorded.