Extended channel data is only available in TwitchMetrics Pro. Start a free trial today for access, and click here to see what other features are available with a Pro subscription!
Extended stream data is only available in TwitchMetrics Pro. Start a free trial today for access, and click here to see what other features are available with a Pro subscription!
🌸 「 Sengoku Dynasty 1.0 」 Von Armut zu Ansehen /w @enzo_klohpedi
Extended stream data is only available in TwitchMetrics Pro. Start a free trial today for access, and click here to see what other features are available with a Pro subscription!
🌸 「 Sengoku Dynasty 1.0 」 Von Armut zu Ansehen /w @enzo_klohpedi
Extended stream data is only available in TwitchMetrics Pro. Start a free trial today for access, and click here to see what other features are available with a Pro subscription!
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#1 most watched Sengoku Dynasty channel #1 most watched Deutsch Sengoku Dynasty channel
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Nessi liebt Pommes und kreiert für euch eine bunte Mischung aus Gaming, Just Chatting und ab und zu auch IRL Content. Dabei unterhält sie ihre Community mit einer ordentlichen Portion Verpeiltheit und (meist) wenig Skill, dafür aber mit viel Herz und Humor.
Channel contact details are only available on paid business plans. If you're interested in checking out a TwitchMetrics business plan, go here to book a demo and learn about all our platform has to offer!